Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA
Learning outcomes, Discovery LearningAbstract
written in English, referring to the article written. The abstract contains concise statements about the most important ideas. Abstracts contain problems and research objectives, research procedures (for qualitative research including descriptions of the subjects studied), and summaries of research results (if deemed necessary, also conclusions and implications). Emphasis is placed on research results. Other things such as hypotheses,discussions, and suggestions are not presented. Maximum abstract length is 200 words and written in one paragraph. Keywords are the main words that describe the problem area being investigated or terms that are the basis for the idea of ideas in the original essay, in the form of a single word or a combination of words. The tems. With keywords you can easily find research titles and abstracts.
Calonjenius. 2020. Pengertian Discovery Learning: Ciri-Ciri, Karakteristik, n Langkah,Serta Kelebihan dan Kekurangannya.
Dhelilik. 2023. Langkah-Langkah Model Discovery Learning dalam Proses Pembelajaran.
Dina Aprilia Nirmala. 2018. Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning. E-Jurnal Unesa (Universitas Negeri Surabaya).
Muchlisin Riadi. 2023. Pembelajaran Berdeferensiasi-Tujuan, Aspek, Prinsip dan Strategi.
Muhammad Ali. 2007. Guru Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung. Sinar BaruAlgesindo.
Hlm 86.
Rina Keshwari Cahaya. 2023. Discovery Learning: Metode Pembelajaran yang Seru dan Efektif.