Pelatihan Pembuatan Nirmana pada SMA Swasta Swabinakarya
Nirmana, Visual, ColorAbstract
Nirmana is the organization or arrangement of visual art elements such as dots, lines, colors, planes, space and texture into a harmonious whole. Nirmana can also be interpreted as the result of wishful thinking in the form of two-dimensional/flat nirmana (two dimensions) and three-dimensional nirmana/space (three dimensions) which must have high aesthetic and aesthetic values. Nirmana (Basic Forms) is a science that studies various things related to perception, space, shape, color, and materials that are in the form of two dimensions or three dimensions. The basic elements of two-dimensional shapes are triangles, rectangles, circles and organic shapes, while the basic elements of three-dimensional shapes are blocks, prisms, spheres and irregular shapes.
Ebdi Sayoto, Sadjiman, “Nirmana Elemen-Elemen Seni dan Desain”. (2009). Yogyakarta. Jalasutra
Ayu, Ardianti Permata, “Nirmana Komposisi Tak Berbentuk,” (2013). Jurnal Ilmiah WIDYA, Volume 1 Nomor 2 Juli-Agustus 2013
Puspitasari.Dyah Gayatri.dkk.” Modifikasi Pembelajaran Desain Dasar (Nirmana) Bagi Program Studi Animasi”, (2014), Humaniora, Vol.5 No.2 Oktober 2014: 685-697