Focus And Scope

International Journal of Education, Language, Literature, Arts, Culture, and Social Humanities accommodates scientific research articles by lecturers, academic practitioners, teachers and students to improve the quality of education. The scope of this journal is all research related to education.

1) Educational technology,

2) Educational development,

3) Learning and Teaching,

4) Curriculum, Media & Technology Education,

5) Learning Environment,

6) Social Education,

7) Educational Approach,

8) Educational Methods, Education Policy and Development,

9) Education Administration,

10) Educational Assessment and Evaluation,

11) Educational Leadership,

12) Educational Administration and Educational Evaluation,

13) Educational Materials,

14) Professional Development of Teachers and Tutors,

15) Gender and Education,

16) Educational Theory,

17) Special Education and Cross-Cultural Education,

18) Professional Development and Continuing Education,

19) Teaching Theory

20) Language and Humanities Education.